Education in Greek comes from the word padegogik the science to guide the child. The Romans saw education as educare, which is issued and guides, action taken to realize the potential of children at birth in the world. The German people see education as the equivalent Erziehung educare , namely: generating power or activate the hidden strength or potential child. In the Java language, education means panggulawentah (processing - Red), process, change the psychology, finalize feelings, thoughts, will and character, changing the personality of the child.
In Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) derived from the basic education tuition (educational), namely: to maintain and provide training (teaching, leadership) about the character and intelligence of the mind. While education has an idea: the process of changing attitudes and good behavior or group of people in a mature business people through teaching and training efforts, the process works, how to educate. Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to advance the character, mind and body of children, in order to advance the perfection of life that is alive and bring the child in harmony with nature and society.
From the insights and analysis that is it can be concluded that education is an effort led anak from birth to achieve physical and spiritual maturity, in the interaction of nature and its environment.
In education there are two important aspects of cognitive (thinking) and affective aspects (feeling). As an illustration, when we learn something in it not only the thought processes that take part but also there are elements associated with feelings such as passion, love and others. The substance according to Ki Hajar Dewantara education is to liberate human beings and according Drikarya is to humanize humans. This shows that the experts also thinks that education is not just pay attention to cognitive aspects, but its scope should be broader.
What about education in Indonesia?
Is education in Indonesia is considering detailed issues like this? This is one of the biggest mistakes an educational method developed in our Education Indonesia. really do not pay attention to aspects of the affective (feeling), so we only printed as the generations that smart but do not have the characters needed by this nation. Already 45 years of Indonesian independence, and every year out of thousands to millions of intellectuals. But no power to change the fate of this nation. So there must be something wrong with our educational system developed to date.
The second mistake, the education system is top-down or from the top down. Freire calls it with the banking-system. In terms of learners considered a safe-deposit-box where the teacher transfer of teaching materials to students. And any time if it is needed it will be retrieved and used. So learners only accommodate what the teacher without trying to think further about what she receives, or at least place the critical selection of teaching materials she received. In terms of education, such as Arabic language is said to be taqlid. It means to accept or follow what was said by educators. And this is not in line with the substance of education that frees the human (Ki Hajar Dewantara).
The third error, this occurs when narrowing the meaning of education itself when the terms begin to poison the industry term educational terms. On the mark by the turn humans into Human Resources (HR).
The problems of education in Indonesia
The quality of education in Indonesia is very concerned. This is evidenced, among others, with the UNESCO data (2000) on Human Development Index ranking (Human Development Index), the composition of the ranking of educational attainment, health, and income per head which showed that Indonesia's human development index continues to drop. Among the 174 countries in the world, Indonesia ranks 102 (1996), 99th (1997), to-105 (1998), and the 109th (1999).
According to the survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultants (PERC), the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12th of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam. Data reported by the World Economic Forum Sweden (2000), Indonesia has a low competitiveness, which ranked only 37th of 57 countries surveyed in the world. And still according to a survey by the same institution predicated Indonesia only as a follower rather than as a technology leader from 53 countries worldwide.
Entering the 21st century world of education in Indonesia to be excited. The furor was not caused by the power of national education quality but more awareness of the dangers caused by the backwardness of education in Indonesia. Juice is due to some fundamental things.
One is entering the 21st century wave of globalization is felt strong and open. Kemajaun technology and the changes provide a new awareness that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia is in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
What we feel now is the existence of deficiencies in the quality of education. Both formal and informal education. And the result was obtained when we compare it with other countries. Education indeed has become a crutch to improve Indonesian human resources for nation building. Therefore, we should be able to improve Indonesian human resources that do not compete with human resources in other countries.
Once we observe, it seems clear that a serious problem in improving the quality of education in Indonesia is the low quality of education at all educational levels, both formal and informal education. And that's what causes the low quality of education that inhibit the supply of the Man who has the expertise and skills to meet the nation's development in various fields.
Low quality of education in Indonesia which was also shown Balitbang data (2003) that out of 146,052 elementary school in Indonesia was only eight schools that received world recognition in the category of The Primary Years Programme (PYP). Of the 20,918 junior high school in Indonesia was also only eight schools that received world recognition in the category of The Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the 8036 high school was only seven schools that received world recognition in the category of the Diploma Programme (DP).
The cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia, among others, is a matter of effectiveness, efficiency and standardization of teaching. It is still a problem of education in Indonesia in general. The special problems in education are :
1). The low physical facilities
2). The low quality of teacher
3). Low teachers' welfare
4). The low student achievement
5). The low distribution of educational
6). Low relevance of education to the
7). The high costs of education
In Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) derived from the basic education tuition (educational), namely: to maintain and provide training (teaching, leadership) about the character and intelligence of the mind. While education has an idea: the process of changing attitudes and good behavior or group of people in a mature business people through teaching and training efforts, the process works, how to educate. Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to advance the character, mind and body of children, in order to advance the perfection of life that is alive and bring the child in harmony with nature and society.
From the insights and analysis that is it can be concluded that education is an effort led anak from birth to achieve physical and spiritual maturity, in the interaction of nature and its environment.
In education there are two important aspects of cognitive (thinking) and affective aspects (feeling). As an illustration, when we learn something in it not only the thought processes that take part but also there are elements associated with feelings such as passion, love and others. The substance according to Ki Hajar Dewantara education is to liberate human beings and according Drikarya is to humanize humans. This shows that the experts also thinks that education is not just pay attention to cognitive aspects, but its scope should be broader.
What about education in Indonesia?
Is education in Indonesia is considering detailed issues like this? This is one of the biggest mistakes an educational method developed in our Education Indonesia. really do not pay attention to aspects of the affective (feeling), so we only printed as the generations that smart but do not have the characters needed by this nation. Already 45 years of Indonesian independence, and every year out of thousands to millions of intellectuals. But no power to change the fate of this nation. So there must be something wrong with our educational system developed to date.
The second mistake, the education system is top-down or from the top down. Freire calls it with the banking-system. In terms of learners considered a safe-deposit-box where the teacher transfer of teaching materials to students. And any time if it is needed it will be retrieved and used. So learners only accommodate what the teacher without trying to think further about what she receives, or at least place the critical selection of teaching materials she received. In terms of education, such as Arabic language is said to be taqlid. It means to accept or follow what was said by educators. And this is not in line with the substance of education that frees the human (Ki Hajar Dewantara).
The third error, this occurs when narrowing the meaning of education itself when the terms begin to poison the industry term educational terms. On the mark by the turn humans into Human Resources (HR).
The problems of education in Indonesia
The quality of education in Indonesia is very concerned. This is evidenced, among others, with the UNESCO data (2000) on Human Development Index ranking (Human Development Index), the composition of the ranking of educational attainment, health, and income per head which showed that Indonesia's human development index continues to drop. Among the 174 countries in the world, Indonesia ranks 102 (1996), 99th (1997), to-105 (1998), and the 109th (1999).
According to the survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultants (PERC), the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12th of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam. Data reported by the World Economic Forum Sweden (2000), Indonesia has a low competitiveness, which ranked only 37th of 57 countries surveyed in the world. And still according to a survey by the same institution predicated Indonesia only as a follower rather than as a technology leader from 53 countries worldwide.
Entering the 21st century world of education in Indonesia to be excited. The furor was not caused by the power of national education quality but more awareness of the dangers caused by the backwardness of education in Indonesia. Juice is due to some fundamental things.
One is entering the 21st century wave of globalization is felt strong and open. Kemajaun technology and the changes provide a new awareness that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia is in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
What we feel now is the existence of deficiencies in the quality of education. Both formal and informal education. And the result was obtained when we compare it with other countries. Education indeed has become a crutch to improve Indonesian human resources for nation building. Therefore, we should be able to improve Indonesian human resources that do not compete with human resources in other countries.
Once we observe, it seems clear that a serious problem in improving the quality of education in Indonesia is the low quality of education at all educational levels, both formal and informal education. And that's what causes the low quality of education that inhibit the supply of the Man who has the expertise and skills to meet the nation's development in various fields.
Low quality of education in Indonesia which was also shown Balitbang data (2003) that out of 146,052 elementary school in Indonesia was only eight schools that received world recognition in the category of The Primary Years Programme (PYP). Of the 20,918 junior high school in Indonesia was also only eight schools that received world recognition in the category of The Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the 8036 high school was only seven schools that received world recognition in the category of the Diploma Programme (DP).

1). The low physical facilities
2). The low quality of teacher
3). Low teachers' welfare
4). The low student achievement
5). The low distribution of educational
6). Low relevance of education to the
7). The high costs of education
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