Sunday, February 27, 2011

Creating Effective Education

      The word effective is a word that is easy to say but it takes a maximum and continuous effort to obtain it. This word can be joined with the word education to be "effective education" and then we can ask our education has been effective or merely perfunctory right?
       Of the three forms of education namely formal, informal and non formal education, the most widely highlighted formal education ranging from quality to its effectiveness. Formal education which includes curriculum, facilities, and infrastructure and the environment influenced the community who participated.
      Is an education held since from elementary school through college or at least till to senior secondary level has been effective or not. The effectiveness of a school is influenced by the background of households where children's home state of learners and the community around the school. Households and communities that have a very adequate human resources and financial condition are well established will help the implementation of an effective school.
      Effective school would be school idol and will be invaded by many prospective students the beginning of each school year begins. Effective child is determined by factors of home and school factors is an effective home and school are also effective.
      The quality of a protégé of very determined and influenced by the culture and atmosphere of learning at home and at school. Several factors support the quality of the child at home is like socio-economic level and Human Resources (HR) parents and the influence of friends playing and entertainment. While supporting factors in the school environment is like the level of human resources and personal warmth teachers, facilities, learning tools and the influence of culture and learning climate in the school itself.
      More than half of the time a child's life spent at home. Family and parents have a very large role in determining the child's personal. Their quality is largely determined by the level of education (HR) of parents in educating and promoting the concepts learned in the family. Economic ability of parents have a role in providing learning facilities. There are children with low parental education level, usually succeed in learning because their parents thick enough pockets to fund the study suggestions. There are again some kids who come from families with poor economy, but also succeeded in learning, because the parents themselves rich with an insight into human resources. A very lucky is the child who had parents with high human resources, a fat wallet and friends play a positive influence in learning.
       Effective education must be supported by the components are also effective. They are as effective schools, effective principals, teachers and students effective effective.
      Effective school must have a standard indicator as illustrated by Sergio Vanio. He said that if an effective school pupils are assessed annually by an independent party, the assessment score is always increasing. The students at the school was very enthusiastic in learning and this is reflected in the increasing percentage of its presence. Teachers are very consistent in giving homework (PR) and PR rate was consistent. Schools have programs at school and extracurricular schedule that there is participation of parents and communities to care about the development and progress of the school.
      Effective school highly appreciate the time and would use it like a money advantage. Of course most of the time it is used for learning. Teachers in schools that effectively able to implement the teaching-learning process that is free from interference and provide homework responsible manner. School is starting and ending learning activities actually on time. Meanwhile, in a school that is not effective, teachers tend not to support the understanding of school goals. Effective school course is behind the effective leadership of school principals as well. A school principal will determine the fall or rise and the quality of a school. The headmaster at random tend to destroy the culture and climate of school learning. While an effective principal is always committed to the mission and vision of raising and preserving the quality of their schools.
      Salfen Hasri (2004: 20) describe an effective school principals, which are as follows: have the vision and make it happen with the teachers and staff. He has high expectations of achievement, always observe the quality of teachers and quality students and encourage the use of time. Besides, an effective principal is always monitoring the performance of individual teachers, staff, students and school.
      Effective school principals are very aware that the presence of students is the main point in education (at school), then he is monitoring the development of students as reflected in improving the quality of test scores net of engineering and manipulation of data. He vacate time (a schedule) to observe teachers in the classroom and continue a dialogue about the problems and improving teaching / classroom.
      School principals to be effective because he was able to become effective leaders. Me Clure (in Salfen Hasri, 2004) says that effective leaders are the leaders capable of sharing the task with anyone who has the competence for particular jobs. An effective leader must be able to carry out "problem solving" and "decision making", has the talent to lead and to be able to bersosial is to work together. However, the results showed that school principals who spend very little time for matters of curriculum and instruction. 

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