Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indonesian Education Systemis Concern

      Current educational system as a vicious circle, if there is a saying that does not need the UN because who knows the characteristics of students in schools are teachers, the statement was true, but in reality on the ground, often times I see the value of report cards are manipulated, rarely even may not there are teachers who do not manipulate its value with a variety of reasons, poor students, so look the teacher is successful in teaching, because there can be no value of 4 or 5 in the report cards and so forth. Why are teachers being so, why the value of many students who have not completed, false teachers? The answer may be yes may not, be yes because maybe the teacher did not have adequate teaching competence, can not, because the Indonesian education system requires students to study the field of study too much. The average field of study they have to learn lessons for one year is 16 fields of study, with material for each field of study too much, abstract and not in accordance with the needs of students.
      Frankly, in this case I prefer to blame the Indonesian education system, our education system is too force the child to be able to master so many areas of study with such abstract material, which in turn makes the child feel stressed that its impact makes them like skipping, tired of school, brawl, cheating, and others. That ultimately they can not do the test properly, their value is less but has done remedial, and so are considered able to teach or because there should be no less value or because of poor student learning burden is too much, then a teacher to manipulate the value of report cards. Raport value is then used as the basis for obtaining a scholarship or go to college or join PMDK and so forth. Did the students the reality of this bitter? Then if the UN solution to see the ability of students? No, because the UN is not fair, that the ability of students can not be standardized.

      I believe God created man not stupid, that there is a trend we're late to know their competency, they've been conditioned from childhood if arguably not forced, to do or learn something that does not suit their needs and their psychological development.

       I think educating is to prepare students to face real life, real life is a life where they are no longer dependent on the parents, the lives of their own where they can resolve all their problems wisely.

      I so remember the passages written in the book "The school was Opium": Education must berorientsi to the recognition of reality, the objective and subjective as the subjective consciousness and the ability to objectively a dialectical function in man in connection with the reality that often contradicts that must be understood and faced. The process of education is to humanize humans. Back again with UN issues, human competence can not be standardized and in the rankings, all have advantages and disadvantages, even if not enforced there is standardization, Indonesia's education system is repaired first, standardization imposed on groups that have the same basic competency, it's only fair.

      Indeed many observers of education in Indonesia are already aware of this, a lot of their writings, both in the articles of education, even education books, but the government seemed to turn a blind eye to their brilliant ideas. Our education system is a tool satisfying the needs of government, and parents, not the system that made according to the needs of students. Students are unconsciously be handcuffed by the ideas of parents and the government invested even teachers, but they free man who is free to determine their own fate. 

      These last few years, several friends began to implement home schooling on their children, a friend do it because the demand for 14-year-old son, because the children feel school is boring, time consuming and can not answer all the questions in his mind, not in accordance with what they need, therefore he decided not to go to school, he was more interested in drowning in reading books. Be thankful the child because she had parents who could understand that the school is not the only way to educate their children. Interesting taste Roem read this: "No less than twelve years time resolved to go to school. The period is relatively long and tedious, if you just fill it with the seat, took notes, occasionally play an important and listen to teacher lectures in front of the class table. Through the school people can took office at once to get scorn. Briefly schools are able to print a man to be official but also criminals. Still Pantaskah school to recognize the singular role in educating people. " 

      Apparently a lot of options that can be done by a student, regardless of whether the parents can understand or do not wish their child. No school is a very serious decision, various kinds of objections would arise, what about the discussion, what about the common perception of a problem, if not in school, how to find the environment conducive to learning, or more commonly, because our nation is a nation crazy prestige and title, how about the job, if you do not have a degree. Puih is the most disgusting, the school only to find the title??.

       In students, the first time that I ask when entering the classroom is what their preferences are and what they desire, a variety of answers came out there, and most of them have a desire that is opposed by parents. Concerned is not it? There is a student who likes racing my-kebutan on the road, he dimarahilah all-out? Have parents ask why they do that? My students are actually very adept at modifying the motor. Indeed khan parents can discuss the best solution, without scolding all-out.

      If it still schools that would be the only means to educate a person, then the Indonesian education system must be changed, should not be forcing students, curriculum tailored to the basic competencies of each student, field of study is taught is not too much and materials for each field of study tailored to students' progress. Ubo rampe others such as educational facilities and teachers' welfare should come improved. Enlarged education subsidies, levies and funding cuts and others abolished.

       For students who dare to take the decision not to continue her schooling, who realized that the UN is not everything, who realize that learning can be anywhere in accordance with the wishes, interests and needs, salute to them, believe a person's degree does not guarantee success. Many graduates are unemployed, do not realize what their desires and interests, as long as people are aware or not they have made robots Indonesian education system.

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