Friday, February 25, 2011

Education Problems Solution in Indonesia

A. Preliminary
      The issue of education in Indonesia is a complex issue, which is referred to here contains many kinds of problems. This complexity not only involves the issue of concepts, various regulations, the budget, but also question the implementation of various systems and rules pertaining to education in Indonesia. Since bergulirnya shocked many in the reform era of the problems of education in Indonesia. This stems from the assessment of many people towards education utput. Two things become out put the spotlight on education is that indeed this nation has spawned a lot of smart people, but on the other side of smart people that were smart keblinger. That is, in fact smart people that is the culprit of corrupt behavior. Smart people that is the cause of damage to the country.
      On the other hand, since the independence of Indonesia, the nation's children are expected to be able to survive in the face all the challenges of the times. Likewise, when they entered the era of globalization. Education has a significant role in providing supplies to the children of the nation in facing the challenges of his day. But in reality, when the world entered the era of globalization, the Indonesian people unable to move to enter the world of competition, in other words "independence of the nation do not wake up. " As a result there is no independence, the Indonesian nation finally experienced a long decline. The Indonesian nation is no longer included in the size of developing countries, much less advanced, but instead a backward country. It's really quite ironic, though Indonesia is a very rich country, which is known as "jambrud equator.
      This makes the concerns of some circles who had devoted his attention inthe education world ,they saw that there had been nothing wrong in education in Indonesia . Overall improvement to the problem of education is very important. There are things that have been forgotten in the administration of the education system in Indonesia, the Indonesian education system has not been a single entity. Indonesia's education system should be one or unity, both in concept and application and implementation, an integrated system, both from central government to expand public.
      One unit is also applicable in treating justly toward education held by government and managed by the public (private). Since the recent decades, inequality of treatment between private and state education seems obvious, private schools like stepchildren, received less attention. In Indonesia, citizens like guests in their own country, in contrast to neighboring countries (Malaysia), private treatment is only granted to the offspring of other nations, while the native was the son of the country, there is no term for the indigenous private sector. A fundamental question is going to carry around Indonesia's educational direction? This is a very simple question, but do not be modest in answering and overcoming it. 

B. Fundamental Problem

       The meaning of the unity of the system is structured in a way that macro from the planning stages to implementation towards the goal of education is expected. From here illustrated how real the vision of education itself. Vision of education should be directed not only trying to give birth alone humans Indonesia intelligent, high IQ. If this is a concern, the state of the nation has now become evidence of the failure of education that focuses only gave birth to intelligent people, but they kecerdaan not supported by religious morality. Moral deterioration of the nation became the source of damage to the nation. It is true that the national education vision gave birth to a child that proclaimed the nation of intelligent, skilled and taqwa, but did not become a unit in its implementation. Therefore, we need a device that integrates the concept of education (curriculum), which consists of pencerdasan and morality, ESQ also increase his IQ, between each other must be balanced. Therefore, redefining the vision of education becomes important. The formulation of this vision must be followed up with a commitment to implement them in the process of education. Childbirth protege who is an intelligent and moral necessity. Intelligent quality and berakhlakul karimah children's education that's really the direction the nation.
      What is to be achieved in the educational goals that must be developed through the devices are. Conditions are now in fact we already have such devices, especially in aa variety of legislation ,and education planning . Included in this case since the reform era master the political stage, there is the political will of leaders of the reform era to pay attention to the education world who have been less a concern. There is the will to give a larger portion of the education budget, but what was still a willingness committed only, not proven in reality, because the education budget is still inadequate as promised. Additionally, recently emerged in the midst of community education efforts membisniskan world, buying and selling of diplomas, academic titles, and so forth. Practices such as these should be handled immediately, and shall at his green desk. 

C. Education Budget Problems
       Education budget has an important role to be able to achieve the ideals or educational goals can be achieved. Since the first new government just gave the promise to increase the education budget, but it is still limited fanfare. Once again the issue of education budget also should be no distinction between public and private, at least not too much gap. Education budget was a big influence on the process of quality education and moral, as well as the professionalism of teachers. The teacher had been prosecuted for the perfect submissive in the birth of children with quality.
With the low budget makes education awards unsung heroes were to be low. The teacher is a very disciplined human figures of their duties. They also figure that has more knowledge than other employees, such as teacher personality are good role models, but can not be denied teachers' salaries are very low compared with other employees. The phenomenon of teachers' salaries lag far behind when compared with neighboring countries. Salary of a professor in Indonesia is far behind compared to other countries. Not to mention the retirement age a professor in Indonesia is different from other employees, they are just entering retirement at the age of 70 years. Especially if we consider the welfare of teachers at lower levels, the more private teachers. They are very experienced in material distress. As a result, of course, very influential with the level of professionalism and to his role models. Nothing is impossible finally found a teacher who moonlight to make ends meet. This situation was of course very good for teachers as educators of the nation, which will affect the educational process of future generations. 

D. Problems Teachers

       The issue of teachers is not only concerned with their welfare. Professionalism of teachers was also highly related to the competence of a teacher. It is very improper if a teacher teaches a basic level with a variety of subjects. They teach math, but also to teach languages, or also teach natural science. The ability of a person is really limited.
      Competence of teachers will have an impact on the results of the educational process. Therefore, a teacher must always increase the competence with further studies so he really understands the science that will completely mastered, and always train themselves to improve teaching methodologies and techniques so that he can carry out education and teaching as well as possible. In this case we find many teachers who do not already have competence in the field and lack the experience and maturity in a variety of methods and techniques of learning, so sometimes become confused about the student teacher naughty, lazy, and so forth. As a result, the education process does not obtain the expected results. 

E. Educational Facility Issues
       Education for all is still within the level of promise. Since the new order was announced programs of education for all through a program of compulsory education (fair). With the fair, it is expected that no more people of Indonesia who had never completed basic education. Compulsory education frees students from paying school fees. The popular term for free school. In fact, it turns out no one at no cost. Indeed the cost of elementary schools increasingly suffocating, until now in post-reform era, the cost of primary school no one was free.
      Not infrequently the cost of parents whose children are in elementary school can be the same country as that in the private elementary school, there is a tendency even now the country's educational institutions by reason of privatization, school fees are more expensive than private schools. The government commitment was still within the limits of lip service. Republika newspaper cites how the Indonesian government's commitment is very low compared with Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore on primary and secondary education. Not to mention the issue of buildings elementary and junior high school, whose condition is very alarming. Not a few school buildings are destroyed, not only far from the capital of the state, even in Jakarta itself a lot of damaged school buildings has not been fixed. Then how it is with school buildings damaged and destroyed by the disaster?
      Another thing related to facilities and infrastructure. The issue of books for instance, is also an issue that ultimately be borne by the public. Each year change textbooks, school fees become very expensive, which eventually makes it difficult for parents. Unlike the old days, where the government has a concern for the procurement of textbooks. Educates children get the book free of charge, or at least get a loan. Each school has a comprehensive library, so that students can take advantage and read books in the library. The laboratory is part of the means which strongly support the quality of education.
      Realization that not all schools in this country has adequate laboratory facilities. A principle or a primary course this means not all problems can be realized, let alone other facilities which are supporting, as well as sports, arts, and so forth, not all educational institutions in Indonesia to complete it. Not to mention the problem of technological developments, such as the use of computers and the internet, almost in our schools no one had it. 

F. Efforts to Find Way Out 

      Various educational problems that can be expressed above are part of which was highlighted, other problems are still immense. The problems of education is a system that does not stand alone, between the one with the other interrelated. Therefore must be in one unit, as well as to address and fix.
      Unitary system of education starting from the policy handling authorities, in this case of course the government. The government must take full responsibility for the problems of education, as well as legislation required a device which, despite being formed, but still impressed not meet expectations. Therefore there needs to be improved and efforts to improve it. Besides the government, of course, all parties must share responsibility. In addition, education providers must be consistent in implementing the policy, the education should not be a business event. The willingness and concern that must be demonstrated through a strong implementation and control. So that this nation is expected soon to producing students who qualified and moral. The key is unity and togetherness. Prevention education system in Indonesia must be done with full awareness of shared responsibility and united in such togetherness.

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