Friday, February 25, 2011

Future Education Management

      One of the educational problems we face today is the low quality of education at every level and unit of education, especially primary and secondary education. Various attempts have been made, among others memlalui various training and qualification of teachers, provision and improvement of facilities / infrastructure of education, and enhancing the quality of school management. However, various indicators of education quality has not shown improvement evenly. Part of the school, especially in the cities, showed that quality improvement was encouraging, but the majority are still apprehensive. From the various observations and analysis, at least there are three factors that cause the quality of education has not increased equally.
      First, national education policy and educational production function approach is not implemented consistently. This approach is seen that the institution serves as a center of production, which, if selected all inputs (inputs) needed in the production activities, the institution would produce the desired output. In fact, the quality of education that is expected does not happen, why? Because so far in the education production function approach is too focused on educational inputs and less attention on the educational process. In fact, the education process is to determine the output of education.
      Secondly, to provide education done in centralized, so the school as the education is very dependent on bureaucratic decisions, which are sometimes not issued policies in accordance with the conditions of the local school. Thus schools losing independence, motivation, and initiative to develop and promote institutions including improving the quality of education as one of the national education goals.
      Third, the role of the community, particularly parents of students in educational administration has been very minimal. Participation of society in general are far more financial support, rather than on the education process (decision making, monitoring, evaluation, and accountability). Related to akunfabilitas, schools do not have the burden to account for the results of the implementation of education to the public, especially parents, as one of the main parties concerned with education.
      Based on these facts, it is necessary remediation efforts, one of which is now being developed is a reorientation of education, through the management of schools (School-Based Management).

Basic Concept of School-Based Management (SBM)

1. Definition

       School-based Management or School-Based Management can be defined and harmonization of resources is conducted independently by the school by involving all interest groups associated with schools directly in the process of decision pengembilan to meet the needs of school quality or to achieve the quality of schools in national education.

2. The essence of School-Based Management (SBM)

       MBS is the essence of decision-making autonomy and participation to achieve the target quality of schools. Autonomy can be interpreted as authority (independence), namely self-reliance in managing and taking care of herself. Thus, school autonomy is a school authority to regulate and manage the interests of citizens of the school in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable national education.
Independence is-meant to be supported by a number of capabilities, namely the ability to take the best decisions, the ability of democratic / appreciate differences of opinion, the ability to mobilize resources, the ability to choose the best way of implementation, ability to communicate in an effective manner, the ability to solve school problems , adaptability and anticipatory skills, ability to work together hand and berkaborasi, and ability to meet their own needs.
      Participatory decision-making is a way to make decisions through the creation of an open and democratic environment, in which the school community (teachers, staff, students, parents, community leaders) dkjorong to terlibatsecara pengambilankeputusan directly in the process that will be able to contribute to the achievement of school goals.
      Participation in decision-making departs from the assumption that if a person involved in the decision making process, so that the concerned will feel to have that decision, so that the concerned will be responsible and dedicated entirely to achieve school goals. In short the greater the level of participation, the greater the sense of ownership, the greater sense of ownership, the greater the sense of responsibility, and the greater sense of responsibility the greater the dedication.
      With MBS patterns, the school has the authority (autonomy) is greater in managing its own management. Independence Among the targets include the establishment of quality improvement, quality improvement planning, implementation, quality improvement plan and evaluate quality improvement. In addition, schools also have the independence to explore participation in the group with an interest in school. Herein lies the typical MBS.
      Based on the basic concept described above, it is necessary to be an adjustment din of the old pattern of management education toward a new pattern of management education, a more nuanced future of democratic autonomy. The dimensions of change management from the old pattern into the new, conceptually today and the practices listed in the MBS.

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