
      Culture in Indonesia can mean the whole cirikhas an area that existed before the formation of a national of Indonesia, which included the Indonesian culture that is all the local culture of the entire range of the tribes in Indonesia.
      Indonesian Cultural though varied, but basically formed and influenced by other great cultures such as Chinese culture, Indian culture and Arab culture.
The following cultures that exist in Indonesia :

A. Names of Local Music Instrument

1.   Alosu : Represent box woven palm leaves, in it contains the seeds - From 
      the South.
2.   Anak Becing : Represent two metal rods like pedayung - from 

      South Sulawesi.
3.   Angklung : Made from bamboo - From West Java
4.   Aramba : Shaped like bende - From the island of Nias.
5.   Arumba : Made from Bamboo - The Sunda region.
6.   Atowo : A kind of drum - From Papua.
7.   Baboons : A kind of drum - From the South.
8.   Basa-Basi : A kind of bamboo trumpets in pairs of double - From  

      South Sulawesi
9.   Calung : Made from bamboo - from the Sunda region
10. Cungklik : kulintang kind of wood-From Lombok Island
11. Dog-dog : A kind of drum - From West Java.
12. Doli Doli : Form of four blades softwood - From the Island of Nias
13. Druri Funds : Form of bamboo that dikerat like tuning forks - From the island

      of Nias.
14. Faritia : small Aramba - From the Island of Nias
15. Floit : Flute bamhu-From the Moluccas
16. FOI Mere : A kind of flute-From the Island of Flores
17. Balinese Gamelan : A set of musical instruments - From Bali
18. Javanese Gamelan : A set of musical instruments-From Central Java
19. Sundanese Gamelan : A set of musical instruments - from the Sunda Region
20. Garantung : Represent biulah-hanging wooden - From Tapanuli.
21. Gerdek : Flute shell - From the area of Borneo.
22. Gonrang : A kind of drum - From Simalungun area.
23. Hapetan : A kind of Kacapi - From Tapanuli
24. lyre : a small guitar with two strings - are found all over the archipelago
25. Keloko : trumpet shells - From East Fores Doro
26. Kere-beggar Galang : A kind of fiddle - From Goa region.
27. Keso-keso : A kind of flute - From the Goa region.
28. Kinu : A kind of flute - From the Island of Roti.
29. Keledi : brass instrument - From Borneo.

30. Kolintang : Form of wooden planks arranged on a wooden box - From 
      the Minahasa.
31. Lembang : Sending long - From the Toraja region.
32. Trumpets : brass instrument - From the Moluccas.
33. Popondi : stringed instrument - From Toraja, South Sulawesi.
34. Rehab : Musical instrument strings - From West Java.
35. Sampek : A kind of guitar - From the Dayak of Kalimantan.
36. Sasando : stringed instrument-The East Nusa Tenggara.
37. Seluang : Bamboo Flute - From Minangkabau
38. Flute : musical instrument wind instrument - From Sumatra.
39. Siter / zither : Tool music picking - From Central Java and West Java
40. Talindo : stringed instruments - from Sulawesi.
41. Talempong Pacik : Percussion instruments like a small gong - From  

      West Sumatra,
42. Tifa : small drum - From Maluku or Papua
43. Totobuang : A kind of talempong - From the Moluccas.

B. Traditional House Names

1. DI Aceh Province.

Aceh Traditional House-shaped stage. Porch which has 3 Seuramue of Finance (front porch), Home Inong (porch middle), and Seurarnoe Likot (back porch). In addition there is a granary house called Krong Pade or conspicuous. 
 2. North Sumatra Province

 North Sumatra Traditional house Jahu ba1on, a house big family gatherings. Shaped pangung and space above for a place to live. In this room there are no rooms and are 8 families living together. The bed is higher than the kitchen.
 3. West Sumatra Province

Custom house for a residence in West Sumatra was the House Tower. The house can be recognized from tonjalan roof sticking up a significant lead to the Almighty. Bulge in the number of call Gojong 4-7 fruit.
 4. Riau Province

Custom homes in the area of Riau named Selaso Twin Falls. The room consists of a large room for a bed. Non cross-legged, pavilion and kitchen. The traditional house is also equipped with Indigenous Hall that is used for meetings and deliberations customary.
5. Jambi Province

Jambi traditional house called House Stage with awning model Lako, a house which is divided into 8 tinggai room. Jogan space, front Porch. Porch inside. cross divan room. Back porch, space Laren. Garang space. Tengganai space.
6. South Sumatra Province.

Traditional house called Rumah Limas in South Sumatra. Is home to five-tiered stage with meaningful Five Gold. the majesty, harmony and peace, courtesy, safe and fertile, and prosperous and prosperous.
 7. Lampung Province

Custom house in Lampung is Wrong House, which is used for the highest consensus among the clans. Or Alley jambal Supreme Court is the name of the stairs to the House Wrong.
8. Bengkulu Province
The name of the custom house was the House of People's Bengkulu, which comprises 3 rooms: room parents, girls room, and room flunky. Vault underneath to store wood kitchen and other items.
9. DKI Jakarta Province.

Jakarta traditional house called Rumuh Kebaya. The roof-shaped. Joglo. The division office, front porch called Paseban. The walls are made from panels that can be opened-Huka and sliding-sliding to the edge. It is intended for the drought-spacious room. When one time held a celebration event or salvation.
10. West Java Province

Kasepuhan Keraton Cirebon is a custom model home in West Java. Palace comprises 4 rooms. Jinem or marquee, Pringgodani, Probayasa space, and space Panembahan.
11. Central Java Province

Padepokan Central Java is a main building Mangkunegaran palace in Surakarta. Houses and palaces in Central Java, usually consisting of 3 rooms. Marquee. Pringgitan, and Dalem.
12. East Java Province

East Javanese traditional house model house Situbondo who got influence from home Madura. The house was not meniliki back door and without the rooms as well. Front porch where guests receive a male and female guests received on the back porch. They entered from the side of the house.
13. DI Yogyakarta Province

Ward Kencono Kraton is a model of building custom homes Pendopo Yogyakarta area. In front of Ward Kencono Gupolo there are two stone statues holding a mace (a type of battering).

14. Bali Province.
The temple gate is the entrance to the traditional house in Bali. Wide Hall is a place of rest, and Hall is where the race Wantikan pagelalaran chicken or the arts. Kori Agung is pinto go down at a big ceremony and Kori Babetelan an entrance for families.

15. West Nusa Tenggara Province
Istona Sultan of Sumbawa is a custom model home area of West. The three-story building, lerhuat from teak wood and thatched strap. The ground floor where the guard. Second floor, where the residence of the sultan and the empress. While reserved for the daughters and other family.

16. East Nusa Tenggara Province

Custom home area of East Nusa Tenggara is the Houses Musalak. The house was shaped stage and underneath there is a long hall, a place to receive guests. Its pillars standing in a large stone foundation, so no need in planting in the soil.

17. West Kalimantan Province

Models of traditional houses of West Kalimantan-shaped stage. Part kolongnya not in use, because the marshy land. On both sides there are houses and rooms in the middle of a ceremony and meeting space. The building is made of wood and the roof of shingle.

18. Central Kalimantan Province

Traditional house called the House betang Central Kalimantan. The house was long, down kolongnya used to weave and pounding rice. One building houses inhabited by about 20 heads of households.

19. South Kalimantan Province

South Kalimantan custom house called House Cam High. The front of the house serves as a terrace, called Pelatar: This house is a house on stilts and underneath to store grain and so on.

20. East Kalimantan Province

Lamin house is the traditional house of Dayak Kenyah. The stage house was as high as 3 meters and inhabited by a 25-30 head of the family. Home page adorned by statues Blontang, describes the gods as a guard house or neighborhood.

21. North Sulawesi Province

North Sulawesi is a traditional house House Heir, The house is mempunyei living room, family room and rooms. On both sides there are houses the stairs, the right to enter the house. is to go out down the stairs on the left.

22. Central Sulawesi Province

Custom homes in Central Sulawesi was the House of Tambi. The house was shaped stage and the roof also functions as a ladder to climb a wall made of logs and trunks and roofs made of thatch or bamboo leaves in the split second.

 23. West Sulawesi Province

The traditional house of West Sulawesi is the Big House. The house-shaped stage with the towering roof and a large pyramid-shaped and has a ladder to climb made of round logs is located right in the front and roof made of thatch or bamboo leaves in the split second.

24. Southeast Sulawesi

Traditional house called Malige Southeast Sulawesi. The building is shaped stage consists of three floors. On either side of the second floor room where the weavers da cloth called Bate.

25. South Sulawesi Province

Toraja traditional house in South Sulawesi is Tongkonan. Under the house was a byre striped or Tedong bonga. DII front of the house made the horns of a buffalo, a symbol of the owners have repeatedly held a funeral ceremony on a large scale. Tongkonan comprises 3 rooms. living room, dining room, and a back room.

26. Maluku Province

Maluku traditional house called Bailo, used for meetings, conference and ceremony which is called seniri country. The house is a stage. Big and tall roof was made of sago palm leaves, while the walls of the stalk thatch, which is called gaba-gaba

27. Papua Province

Papuan regional custom house, the Dani is Honai, The house consists of two floors consist of two floors, first floor as tempaat second floor for sleeping and relaxing, and dining. Hunai mushroom-shaped with a height of about 4 meters.

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