My Biography

Full Name : Muhammad Idris Rifai
Sex : Male
Place / Date of Birth : Ujung Pandang, March 30, 1988
Address : Bonto Bila 3 Street No. 26
Job : Student
Hobby : Reading, Watching and Travelling
Religion : Moslem
Children to : 7th of 7 people brothers
Parent Name :
Father    :  Baharu Dg. Sarro
                                                        Mother   :  Rahamia
Educational Background :
Education LevelYearsEducational Institutions
 Elementary School
 Junior High Schools
 Senior High Schools
 Diploma (D3)
Now this
 Inpres Tello Baru II School
 Wahyu Junior High School
 Wahyu Senior High School
 STMIK Profesional Makassar