Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reinforce Education Autonomy; Towards Educative

In the era of regional autonomy and education which is now being aggressively implemented by the central government are now local governments already have authority to regulate and take care of everything about education in their respective regions throughout Indonesia. It has been stated in the Act (Act) No. 22 of 1999. Management authority is defined in article 7, paragraph 1;''local authority includes the authority in all areas of government, except under the authority of foreign policy, defense and security, justice, monetary and fiscal, religion and authority in other fields.''
In the era of autonomy is the quality of education will be largely determined by local policy. When local governments have the political will is good and strong for education, there are ample opportunities that education in the regions concerned will forward. Conversely, the regional head who does not have good vision in education to ensure that area will experience stagnation and stagnation towards a well educated community, will never get a good momentum for growth (Suyanto; 2001).

And vice versa. The school and BP3, which usually have first plan and budget for tuition (for example) for students not involve the parents / guardians of students. Parents / guardians of students (the students) were just the second party (the second man) in the matter. Which in turn is only a''consensus joke''or just a mere formalism.

Well, in this autonomy era it was time to be changed and discarded away from the paradigm of critical thinking to build a society that is educated, humanist, democratic and civilized. For masyarakkat who had been marginalized in the hole orthodox thinking no longer exists in the building and order a dynamic and progressive society. And to jointly build an advanced education and qualified in the international arena. So that later it can come true educational community, Andreas Hafera-language learners and democratic-can participate and create''civil society''as it often appears in contemporary discourse in an effort to build the nation.

When that happens, then people will also feel proud of himself and in turn will respect the progress and developments in the educational environment itself. Because society has given awards that matchless as a social being and as a servant of God. So the public education that includes all components of society and the school itself (both parents / guardians students / learners, learners themselves, schools and government) can walk synergistic, alongside and in harmony.

However, it is certainly not so easy to do. Because the various elements and devices to support it all can be firmly stated that all was implemented only to reinforce that education otonomisasi've actually implemented straightforwardly. And various efforts in that direction was already being and should be encouraged. In order to achieve maximum results and to meet the set targets. Therefore, in education and to reinforce otonomisasi it all not only need the assistance in the form of material. Rather, moral support and kotribusi thinking and fresh ideas are needed.

But, it's all not quite given only by a handful of people only. Instead, support all components of our society was also very determine the sustainability of it all. So do not be surprised if Suyanto declare autonomy should need support education in Parliament. Because, the Parliament who are decision makers at the local level within the framework of autonomy.

It was in tune and find its relevance as article 14 of Law. No. 22/1999; in each autonomous region has a system of government consisting of the Parliament as a local legislature, local government (Local Government) as a regional executive body. Then, insititusi it must work together in a balanced way for the autonomous region to function effectively and democratic for all citizens.

In education, parliament must have a strong role in building a new paradigm and vision of education in their respective regions. Therefore, the local legislative body must be empowered and empower themselves to be able to be a good partner. And has its equivalent in performance legislation. Also, for the head region in developing education in their respective regions.

In addition, central governments are not allowed to interfere in local educational affairs. The central government is only allowed and invited to provide the policies in question. But it also must be on mutually agreed local governments. Or in other words, government involvement in the administration of this education only covers two aspects: quality and equity. The government sets standards of education quality, and strive for all students to high achievers and the best. For all schools to achieve the minimum standards of education quality, with the diversity of achievement between schools in a location as small as possible. In short, the government only acts as a facilitator and catalyst rather than the regulator. Because of the autonomy of education management at school level. So the role of government agencies is to provide service and support to schools. For the education process proceeds effectively and efficiently (Indra Djati Sidi, 2001). Thus, the Community-Based School (MBS) that are often discussed to find the context and momentum, which in turn can be realized.   

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