Friday, February 25, 2011


1. Artificial Modern Culture

       The challenge that truly threatens us is the Artificial Modern Culture. He is threatening precisely because it is not true, not substantial. On offer is a sham. Culture that make us human plastics, man without personality, of human alienation, empty human, human being talkative.
      Modern mulatto culture like Dracula: he dressed up, have a tremendous attraction, he gradually meyedot our original views about the value, on the basis of self-esteem, about the status. It offers luxury-old luxury we can not even dream of. He promised fullness of life, stability ourselves, if we want to stop thinking yourself, stop making us lose our own assessment. Finally we ran out of blood, running out of identities. Artificial modern culture makes us apart from our own traditional culture, as well as modern technological culture does not touch the real (Suseno; 1992)

2. How Feeding, Clothing, and Housing

       Ki Hajar Dewantara said that, culture is the human struggle to overcome the problem of nature and the times. The problems that humankind's most basic is the problem of feeding, clothing and housing. When people are malnourished how he would get a smart person.
When basic needs are not met how people will think ahead and create a great technology. Let alone for it, the issue of fulfilling our needs really affect the pattern of relationships between people. People willing to steal and even kill so he could eat a bite of rice. Thus, negligence in this case not only have an impact on poverty, hunger, death, but will affect the socio-cultural structure of society.

3. Education the Right Problem

       Education remains a serious issue of concern if these nations want to be perceived in the world arena. There is an interesting phenomenon associated with this, namely culture of collaboration with education, in terms of how the existing education system mengintrinsikkan culture in it. Where there is a culture that became the spirit of the education system that we pursue.

4. Pursuing Progress of Science and Technology Development

       Problem is headed when we arrive is still a consumer of technology products from foreign countries. Scientifics situation we have not developed well and has not been supported by a conducive environment for the scientists to do research and creation of products, new technology. If we continue to rely on imported products from overseas, then we will continue to be underdeveloped. Therefore, it is a challenge for us to catch up science and technology from developed countries.

5. Global Natural Condition

       Some time ago on the front page daily Kompas on 12 April 2007, there is interesting news about the state of the earth today, 'Global Warming, Millions of People will Teracam ". Global warming will negatively impact the real to the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the world. Thus, among others, the contents of a second UN report that was published in 2007. The first report contains the scientific evidence of climate change, while the third report will reveal his action to handle it.
      Reports of experts belonging to the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released in a press conference simultaneously in various parts of the world, Tuesday (04/10/2007). 1572 pages thick report was written and reviewed 441 members of the IPCC. 
      One of the impacts of global warming is increasing the earth's surface temperature over the next five years. This will cause in Latin America icebergs melt. Impact is a continuation of crop failures, which by 2050 resulted in 130 million people worldwide, mainly in Asia, famine. Wheat agriculture in Africa will also experience the same thing.
      The report highlights the impact of global warming in the form of rising sea level, the disappearance of some species and a growing national disaster. Mentioned, 30% of the world's coastlines will vanish in 2080. Melting polar ice until the flow of water at the north pole. This will result in the Panama canal sunset.
      Rising temperatures trigger a more devastating cyclone to affect the coastal areas that had been safe from the storm. Many places are now dry dry increasingly, on the contrary a variety of wet places will get wet. The gap distribution of water naturally this will potentially increase the tension in pemanfaaatan water for industrial purposes, agriculture and population.
      Asia became part of the earth that will be most severe. Climate change is not detected will be environmental and economic disaster, and the tail is a humanitarian tragedy. The report warned, any increase in air temperature of 2 degrees Celsius, among others, will reduce agricultural production in China and Bangladesh to 30 percent until 2050. Increasing water scarcity in India along with the decline in ice cover on the Himalayas. About 100 million people in Asian coastal settlements were flooded due to sea level rise as high as between 1 millimeter to 3 millimeters per year. Currently, global warming has been felt with the occurrence of death and extinction of species in Africa and Asia.

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