Friday, February 25, 2011

Indonesian Cultural Situation

In a presentation on the cultural roots of the above we know that our ancestors are ancestors of this nation strong and acculturation have been able to positively so that we can integrate the foreign culture to foster a culture of its own. But we must see how the real state of our culture today.

Sajiman Surjohadiprojo in culture in the 1986 speech delivered on our persoalah today, which is less powerful human ability to expend energy in Indonesia. This resulted in lack of power or ability to do the follow. Plan a good concept, the result of intelligent brains, live and plan and a mere concept because less able to realize it. Another result is the self-discipline and pengendalikan. Lack of discipline not because of lack of awareness of rules and regulations, but because it is less able to present themselves fulfill their respective rules and regulations. Lack of ability mnegeluarkan also resulting in significant energy dependence on others. Independence hard to find and have an impact in all aspects of life including leadership and responsibility.

According to him this weakness is the weakness of Culture. That is, improvement of the weak state that can only be achieved through a cultural approach. The solution should be through education in the broad sense and the Nation and Character Building (Surjohadiprodjo, in "Culture-Culture of Our Liberation, 1999).

Mochtar Lubis also on the same occasion during the 1986 Meeting of Culture, said that the condition of our culture today is marked predominantly by the characteristics:
1. Serious contradictions between cultural assumptions and moral pretensions of
    Pancasila with reality.
2. Hypocrisy.
3. Lack of creativity.
4. Damn work ethic.
5. Neo-Feudalism.
6. Culture of shame has vanished (Lopez, 1999).

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